Check out our wide range of Copy and Short run print services. Books, cards, business cards, greeting cards,
calendars, art prints and more...Read More
Publisher Services
The Guild also offers a host of publisher related services in addition to our POD printing. We can offer you graphic
design, web design, publishing consulting and custom applications computer programing. We also offer a Dropship
program and have Retail and Wholesale programs available for publishers...
Read More.
GOB POD, Wholesale Program
Current Wholesale Program participants: Login Here
The Guild of Blades Retail Group's Wholesale Program exists to help our clients to have an additional avenue of distribution for their
products. This service is designed to help address several key issues that currently prove to be a problem for the manufacturer and retail
tiers within the industry. One said problem is the simple printing costs involved with POD printing often makes the prospects for a
manufacturer to sell their products to a distributor at traditional discounts an endevour with uniquely slim profit margins, often leading
for those products to only be available to retailers at less than standard discounts or not at all. And, of course, there is the constant
problem that traditional distributors chose to stock most titles by smaller publishers lightly, on special order only, or not at all.
Our Wholesale Program linked to our Print-on-Demand services is designed to pull a little fancy number juggling to enable quality distribution
of these titles to the retail tier. The number magic works like this. In a traditional arrangement the money chain looks like:
Traditional System Product Flow
Printer --> Shipping Service --> Manufacturer --> Shipping Service --> Distributor --> Shipping Service --> Retailer and finally Consumer.
In the best of times when a manufacturer is getting a great price on their production due to volume and getting similarly good bang for their
buck in shipping volume, this can be a difficult process to make profitable. Seeing as we act as both printer and distributor, that
consolidation chops several cost factors out of the equation. Shipping from the printer to the manufacturer and shipping from the manufacturer
to the distributor. Further, our business model is designed to draw the bulks of its profits from the printing, so the actual distribution of
the product is essentially a value-added service where we can reduce our margins. Our supply chain for your product would look thusly:
Our Distribution Product Flow
Printer/Distributor --> Shipping Service --> Retailer --> Consumer
Because of the cost savings involved, we can print your title on demand, guaranteeing a 100% fill rate to the retailers who want it and
cutting several cost layers out of the equation. In the process we save you the liability of printing products up in advance and the cost of
shipping to the distributor. We can guarantee your retailer a 100% fill rate on the product, insuring you don't miss valuable sales due to
distribution ineffeciencies and the retailers can order the product at industry standard discounts. In return, we pay you 20% of the
MSRP on each product sold.
When you first join the Guild of Blades Retail Group's Wholesale Program an account will be created for you and your login and password sent
to you (you can change your password later). Once created, you will be able to login to your Wholesale Program account and check on your
sales. You will see transaction data including product and date of sale and the venue the sales venue the product sold through. Your earnings
will accumulate until any month where your earnings have surpassed $50, at which time you will be issued a payment (via Paypal) by the 15th of
the following month. Non Paypal members may still participate in the program though they will have to wait till their earnings have surpassed
$100 on any given month, at which time we can issue them a check by the 15th of the following month. Wholesale Program participants may opt to
have earnings from the Wholesale Program applied to POD Printing services at any time.
What if you have a product that can't be produced via our POD service?
We will be happy to consider products that we don't print/produce for inclusion in our distribution catalog. We will be seeking wholesale
purchasing terms and will need full details on all wholesale programs and promotions you support through the distribution tier. The Guild of
Blades Retail Group is not seeking to become a full line distributor and has no plans to stock the industry leading brands. Rather we seek to
provide great service on mid tier and small press titles that simply aren't given the level of stock availability and quality representation
they deserve in our ever changing market. We will be taking on lines on a case by case basis, seeking to grow into each line so that we can
provide it the full level of representation and support we can. So we may not carry a huge breadth of lines, but those that we do, we will
back with the same care and service that we offer on the Guild's own product lines.
Give us a call at 248-430-4980 to discuss enrolling your products today.
The Guild of Blades Retail Group reserves the right to refuse entry to any product into our Wholesale Program on a product by product basis.
Reasons for non representation may be many and is not necessarily a remark on the product itself. For POD products, we can only represent
those products that have a common sense manufacturing cost vs MSRP. For other products, many factors will be considered, from the theme or
position the manufacturer holds within the industry and the level of distribution service they already recieve from the industry, to type of
product, cost on the product, terms offered, whether they compliment our existing catalog of products, etc, etc.